Holistic Platform


My personal blend of Development, Operations, and the Human Condition to improve Developer Experience and Productivity


It's easy to get lost in the technical details when talking about DevOps; there is just so much out there. We begin to find comfort in the familiarity provided by our daily toolset, and before you know it, we are trying to single-handedly boil the ocean, a fruitless endeavor.

Holistic Automation works towards adding the human element and advocacy back into the developer ecosystem not as just another tool but as the foundation on which everything else follows.

I work, always keeping sight that the most significant asset is my customer, namely engineers. The saliency of this simple fact keeps the symbiosis of the DevOps cycle simpatico. Bad dev tools and processes lead to bad code and a headache for everyone. At the end of the day, I build platforms and teams to prevent headaches and empower organizations.


The next big thing .. problem .. design .. automated .. Next ..

Recent Projects

Full Stack aws architecture and optimization

org wide kubernetes adoption and education

Full stack distributed observability

complete platform transformation

End to end perforamnce testing